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Below you will find a selection of our software solutions

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Finnish product family

The Servus software has been developed by the Finnish company Kvaliteam Oy, founded in 1986. The company has been located in Nummela, Vihti, since 1996. The first Servus software was delivered as early as 1990. At that time, the software was called SDS Servus Data Systems.

Customer-driven software development

From the very beginning, the software has been developed together with our customers. We are characterized by long and confidential customer relationships. We have received special praise for our fast and customer-responsive response in software development, user support services, and troubleshooting. With our software, we want to provide a quality tool to manage the security situation of our customer companies.

Our customer base consists of public administration organizations, institutions, cities, municipalities, parishes and companies.

A strong player in the software market

Our products are high quality and versatile, and can be integrated into existing systems such as HR, AD and access control. Servus is the only Finnish software where the organization can use several different software solutions simultaneously on the same database. Thus, one or more Servus-programs may be in use and their use may be decentralized within the organization to different units.

Tänä päivänä Servus-ohjelmisto on vahva tuote ohjelmistomarkkinoilla. Pyrkimyksemme on olla luotettava, osaava ja yhteistä toimintaa tukeva yhteistyökumppani.

The basis for our security policy is KATAKRI, national security audit criteria.


Some of our customers

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